McGuffey's New Fourth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey interior page, black text on cream colored paper
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McGuffey's New Fourth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey interior page, black text on cream colored paper
Photographic scan of interior of McGuffey's New Fourth Eclectic Reader, William Holmes McGuffey, Cincinnati: Van Antwerp, Bragg, and Co, 1879. Page is mottled cream paper with both decorative and black letterpress serif type. Page is largely comprised of multi-frame illustration with short paragraph of text centered at the bottom of the page. The words “McGuffey’s Fourth Reader” are centered at the top of the illustration in varying decorate type. The illustration features three frames, depicting a kite caught in brambles, the silhouettes of three people on a hillside, and a woman with two children respectively. The section title “1. Perseverance” is centered in all-capitalized serif type below the illustration, followed by the page text.
William Holmes McGuffey
Bibliographic Citation
McGuffey, William Holmes. McGuffey’s New Fourth Eclectic Reader. Cincinnati, 1879.
“McGuffey's New Fourth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey interior page, black text on cream colored paper,” Gallery, accessed September 9, 2024,