Instructions for Needle-Work and Knitting title page, black text on cream colored paper

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Instructions for Needle-Work and Knitting title page, black text on cream colored paper


Photographic scan of interior of Instructions on Needle-Work and Knitting, London: National Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church, 1847. Scan of title page. Page is mottled cream paper with black letterpress serif type. Title is centered at the top of page in larger capitalized type. Subtitle immediately below lists the name of the institution with the words “National Society” in larger letters. Printing and publication information is printed in smaller type on the bottom-third of the page. Frayed book binding is visible on the left side of the image, with book set on larger dark background.


“Instructions for Needle-Work and Knitting title page, black text on cream colored paper,” Gallery, accessed July 26, 2024,