Orbis Sensualium Pictus by Johann Amos Comenius interior, small drawings of insects and animals on the left side of the page and Latin text in black on the right side
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Orbis Sensualium Pictus by Johann Amos Comenius interior, small drawings of insects and animals on the left side of the page and Latin text in black on the right side
Photograph of interior of Orbis Sensualium Pictus (The Pictured World), Johann Amos Comenius, London: John Sprint, 1705. Scan of page 5. Page is mottled cream paper with black serif type, featuring a column of copperplate engraving illustrations (e.g. cat, chicken, dog, etc.) printed on the left in narrow rectangles, divided by thin black borderlines. Corresponding pairs of short lines in Latin and English are listed in the page’s central column. The Latin lines are in letterpress serif type and the English lines are in blackletter serif type immediately below. On the far right side, a thin descending line is alphabetically annotated by letters “N” through “Z,” with phonetic spellings of the letter pronunciations in italicized type nearby. Each letter can be found at the beginning of a word in its corresponding pair of Latin or English type. Page laid on black background.
“Orbis Sensualium Pictus by Johann Amos Comenius interior, small drawings of insects and animals on the left side of the page and Latin text in black on the right side,” Gallery, accessed September 13, 2024, https://gallery.lib.umn.edu/items/show/4977.