Apple in the Middle by Dawn Quigley cover, close up of a young girl with long dark hair and a blue shirt

Dublin Core


Apple in the Middle by Dawn Quigley cover, close up of a young girl with long dark hair and a blue shirt


Photographic scan of front cover of Apple in the Middle, Dawn Quigley, Fargo, ND: North Dakota State University Press, 2018. Cover is full-page illustration with sans serif type, white and gray type for the title and black type for the author’s name. Illustration depicts the shoulders and head of a young woman with long, dark hair who is smiling at the viewer. Additionally, she’s wearing a pendant around her neck and floral earrings. A field, a pair of hills, and a house are visible in the background over her shoulder.


“Apple in the Middle by Dawn Quigley cover, close up of a young girl with long dark hair and a blue shirt,” Gallery, accessed July 27, 2024,