ACM: The Machine the Changed the World
Dublin Core
ACM: The Machine the Changed the World
Collection Items
Exhibition Poster.
Poster advertising the the exhibit, "The Machine That Changed the World: ACM and the History of Computing, 1947-2010." Elmer L. Andersen Gallery, January 11 - March 5, 2010.
Brochure, Guide to ACM's Special Interest Groups (SIGs), SIG99 Focus
Brochure, Guide to ACM's Special Interest Groups (SIGs), SIG99 Focus.
Brochure, SIG GUIDE to ACM's Special Interest Groups (SIGs), 2000-2001
Brochure, SIG GUIDE to ACM's Special Interest Groups (SIGs), 2000-2001.
Brochure, SIG GUIDE to ACM's Special Interest Groups (SIGs), 2001-2002
Brochure, SIG GUIDE to ACM's Special Interest Groups (SIGs), 2001-2002.
Brochure, SIG GUIDE: ACM's Special Interest Groups (SIGs), 2002-2003
Brochure, SIG GUIDE: ACM's Special Interest Groups (SIGs), 2002-2003.
Brochure, SIG GUIDE: ACM's Special Interest Groups (SIGs), 2005-2006
Brochure, SIG GUIDE: ACM's Special Interest Groups (SIGs), 2005-2006.
Photograph, ACM Conference attendees at the Hypertext booth
Photograph, ACM Conference attendees at the Hypertext booth, undated.
Report, "Estatutos Del Capitulo Profesional ACM SIGGRAPH, Buenos Aires"
Report, "Estatutos Del Capitulo Profesional ACM SIGGRAPH, Buenos Aires." Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1998.
Facsimile Report, "Statuts De L'Association: ACM SIGGRAPH France"
Facsimile Report, "Statuts De L'Association: ACM SIGGRAPH France," in original French. "Version modifiee le 15 mai 1989, conformement a l'assemblee generaic du 28 mars 1989."
Facsimile Report, "Bylaws of the Association: ACM SIGGRAPH France"
Report, "Bylaws of the Association: ACM SIGGRAPH France." Updated version, 19 December 1990. Version modified the 15 May 1989 in accordance witht he General Meeting of 28 March 1989.
Journal, Communications of the ACM volume 25, number 5, June 1982.
Journal, Communications of the ACM volume 25, number 5, June 1982. In this issue: ACM Election Results and New ACM Quarterly on Office Information Systems.
Journal, ACM Transactions on Graphics, volume 1, number 1, January 1982
Journal, ACM Transactions on Graphics, volume 1, number 1, January 1982.
Announcement, New ACM Publication: Transactions on Information and System Security
Announcement: "ACM is pleased to announce the inception of a new publication, Transactions on Information and System Security. First issue to be published June 1998."
Subscription form, Computers in Entertainment
Subscription form for Computers in Entertainment, an online magazine. October 2003 inaugural issue: "Educating Children Through Entertainment."
Advertisement, "Have you had your fill of computing magazines?"
Advertisement for Queue magazine, published by ACM and focused on emerging technology.
Correspondence regarding the demographics of ACM members
Correspondence from the advertising manager of Communications of the ACM regarding the demographics of ACM members based on the results of a membership questionnaire.
Photograph, ACM Computer Chess Tournament award winners
Photograph, ACM Computer Chess Tournament award winners, undated.
Photograph, ACM Computer Chess Tournament award winners
Photograph, ACM Computer Chess Tournament award winners, undated.
Photograph, ACM Computer Chess Tournament award winners
Photograph, ACM Computer Chess Tournament award winners, undated.
Photograph, ACM Computer Chess Tournament award winners
Photograph, ACM Computer Chess Tournament award winners, undated.
Photograph, ACM Computer Chess Tournament award winners
Photograph, ACM Computer Chess Tournament award winners, undated.
Photograph, ACM Computer Chess Tournament award winners
Photograph, ACM Computer Chess Tournament award winners, undated.
Brochure, ACM Student Membership
Brochure, ACM Student Membership. The brochure asks the question, "Why should every computer science and IT student join ACM?"
ACM Professional Development Seminar Schedule
ACM Professional Development Seminar Schedule, January-June 1970.
Photograph, Computer Chess Tournament with Players Seated at Tables
Photograph, Computer Chess Tournament with Players Seated at Tables, undated.
Photograph, Conference attendees browse at the ACM publication booth
Photograph, Conference attendees browse at the ACM publication booth, undated.
Photograph, Association for Computing Machinery banner
Photograph, Association for Computing Machinery banner, undated.
Photograph, Overhead projector shot of a chess board
Photograph, Overhead projector shot of a chess board, undated.
Photograph, Young boy playing in a chess match
Photograph, Young boy playing in a chess match, undated.
Photograph, View of a chess match in progress
Photograph, View of a chess match in progress, undated.
Photograph, ACM International Computer Chess Championship Banner
Photograph, ACM International Computer Chess Championship Banner, undated.
Photograph, Conference Attendees at the ACM Publication Booth
Photograph, Conference Attendees at the ACM Publication Booth, undated.
Photograph, Conference attendees at the ACM Publication Booth
Photograph, Conference attendees at the ACM Publication Booth, undated.
Report, "Suggestions for Curriculum and Ancillary Services in Training the Blind to Program Computers"
Report, "Suggestions for Curriculum and Ancillary Services in Training the Blind to Program Computers" by Raymond B. Stewart, Jr., System Development Corporation in Santa Monica, CA. Report is dated October 1967.
"Report Number 3," Eastern Association for Computing Machinery
"Report Number 3" was issued by the Association for Computing Machinery on November 7, 1947. The report outlines the meeting of the Executive Council and the Bylaws Committee.
"Report Number 2," Memorandum for the Eastern Association for Computing Machinery
"Report Number 2" was issued by the Association for Computing Machinery on September 30, 1947. The report outlines the election of officers to the Executive Council as well as new association business.
"Report Number 4," to the Association for Computing Machinery
"Report Number 4" was issued by the Association for Computing Machinery on January 30, 1946. The report outlines organization's change in name and meeting activity.
Constitution and Bylaws of the Association for Computing Machinery
Report, "Constitution and Bylaws of the Association for Computing Machinery," dated May 30, 1949.
"Report Number 1"
"Report Number 1" was issued by the "Temporary Committee for an Eastern Association for Computing Machinery" and is dated August 21, 1947. The memorandum outlines the first schedule meeting at Columbia University and includes information on…
Brochure, ACM Membership
Brochure for ACM Membership with a list of discounts, goods, and services available to members, undated.
Brochure, ACM Membership
Membership Brochure for the Association for Computing Machinery, undated. The cover states, "Join ACM and be a part of the IT revolution!"
Membership Application for the Association for Computing Machinery
Membership Application for the Association for Computing Machinery, December 15, 1948.
Brochure, ACM Membership
Brochure, ACM Membership advertising "A vast world of resources for the probing mind."
Advertisement for The Machine That Changed the World
Advertisement for "The Machine That Changed the World" featuring an image of an early room-sized computer juxtaposed with a desktop computer of the early 1990s. The five-part television series explored the history of the computer and its impact on…
Advertisement for The Machine That Changed the World
Advertisement for "The Machine That Changed the World" featuring an image of Walter Cronkite and J. Presper Eckert as well an an image of Thomas J. Watson, Sr. The five-part television series explored the history of the computer and its impact on…
Advertisement for The Machine That Changed the World
Advertisement for The Machine That Changed the World featuring an image of Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs holding the circuit board for their first Apple computer. The five-part television series explored the history of the computer and its impact on…
Advertisement for The Machine That Changed the World
Advertisement for The Machine That Changed the World featuring a man and woman exchanging information via computer. The five-part television series explored the history of the computer and its impact on society and aired on PBS.
Poster and Map of ACM 20th Anniversary Conference
Poster and Map of ACM 20th Anniversary Conference, subtitled "Past is Prologue." The poster invites participants to reserve space at the conference and features the 1967 Exposition Rules and Regulations as well as a map of the available booth space.…
Photograph, Unidentified man at the ACM International Computer Chess Championship
Photograph, Unidentified man at the ACM International Computer Chess Championship
Photograph, Young girl at the ACM International Computer Chess Championship
Photograph, Young girl at the ACM International Computer Chess Championship
Photograph, Robert Hyatt at the ACM International Computer Chess Championship
Photograph, Robert Hyatt of the University of Alabama and an unidentified man at the ACM International Computer Chess Championship.
Article, "Professional Computer Work for the Blind" by Theodor D. Sterling et al
Article, "Professional Computer Work for the Blind" by Theodor D. Sterling, M. Lichstein, F. Scarpino, D. Stuebing of the University of Cincinnati and William Stuebing of Steubing Automatic Machine Company in Cincinnati, OH. The article was…
Photograph, 1979 Awards Banquet at the ACM Annual Meeting
Photograph, 1979 Awards Banquet at the ACM Annual Meeting.
Photograph, 1979 Awards Banquet at the ACM Annual Meeting
Photograph, 1979 Awards Banquet at the ACM Annual Meeting.
Photograph, ACM International Computer Chess Championship, Indianapolis, IN, February 1993
Photograph, ACM International Computer Chess Championship, Indianapolis, IN, February 1993.
Photograph, ACM International Computer Chess Championship, Indianapolis, IN, February 1993
Photograph, ACM International Computer Chess Championship, Indianapolis, IN, February 1993.
Photograph, Awards Banquet at the 1979 ACM Annual Meeting
Awards banquet at the 1979 Association for Computing Machinery's annual meeting at the Detroit Plaza Hotel in Detroit, MI. Carl Hammer, recipient of the ACM Distinguished Service Award, is seated to the immediate left of the podium.
Photograph, ACM International Computer Chess Championship
Photograph, ACM International Computer Chess Championship, undated and unknown location.
Photograph, ACM79 Conference Attendees at the Membership Booth, 1979
Photograph, ACM79 Conference Attendees at the Membership Booth, 1979.
Photograph, Conference attendees at the ACM publication booth
Photograph, Conference attendees at the ACM publication booth, undated.
Profile of Readers, Communications of the ACM
Profile of Readers, Communications of the ACM documents reader demographic information such as the type of company worked for, year of birth, year entered the computer field, education level and job title/function. Dated 9/65.
Program, The Twenty-First Annual ACM North American Computer Chess Championship
Program, The Twenty-First Annual ACM North American Computer Chess Championship, New York Hilton, New York, NY on November 11-14, 1990.
Program, The Second ACM SIGPLAN; History of Programming Languages Conference
Program, The Second ACM SIGPLAN; History of Programming Languages Conference (HOPL-II) in Cambridge, MA; April 20-23, 1993. Advance Program, Conference and Hotel Registration.
Program, The ACM's Eighteenth North American Computer Chess Championship
Program, The ACM's Eighteenth North American Computer Chess Championship in Dallas, TX, October 25-27, 1987. A Special Event at the ACM-IEEE Computer Society's FJCC.
Program, The ACM's Nineteenth North American Computer Chess Championship
Program, The ACM's Nineteenth North American Computer Chess Championship, Orlando, Florida, November 13-15, 1988. A Special Event at the Supercomputing '88 Conference.
Program, The Sixteenth ACM North American Computer Chess Championship
Program, The Sixteenth ACM North American Computer Chess Championship in Denver, CO, October 13-15, 1985. The Championship was a special event at ACM85.
Program, The ACM's Seventeenth North American Computer Chess Championship
Program, The ACM's Seventeenth North American Computer Chess Championship and the Sixth world Microcomputer Chess Championship in Dallas, TX, October 31-November 5, 1986. A special event at the ACM-IEEE Computer Society FICC.
Program, The Eleventh ACM North American Computer Chess Championship
Program, The Eleventh ACM North American Computer Chess Championship in Nashville, Tennessee, October 26-28, 1980.
Program, The Twentieth ACM North American Computer Chess Championship
Program, The Twentieth ACM North American Computer Chess Championship in Reno, Nevada, November 12-15, 1989.
Program, The Twenty-Second Annual ACM International Computer Chess Championship
Program, The 22nd Annual ACM International Computer Chess Championship, Doubletree Hotel in Albuquerque, NM, November 17-20, 1991.
Program, "ACM1: Beyond Cyberspace" Conference Schedule
Program, "ACM1: Beyond Cyberspace" Conference Schedule at San Jose McEnery Convention Center in San Jose, CA on March 10-14, 2001.
Photograph, Woman Standing by a Poster Presentation at ACM68
Photograph, Woman Standing by a Poster Presentation at ACM68. Poster boards demonstrate "Who makes the computer work," "What makes a computer work," and "How we make a computer work."
Photograph, Woman Presenting at ACM70 on "The Housewife's New Helper"
Photograph, woman presenting at ACM70 on "The Housewife's New Helper" which was a computer designed by Honeywell.
Photograph, ACM International Computer Chess Championship, Indianapolis, IN, February 1993
Photograph from the ACM International Computer Chess Championship in Indianapolis, IN; February 1993.
Program, The Twenty-Third ACM International Computer Chess Championship
Program, The Twenty-Third ACM International Computer Chess Championship, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Indianapolis, IN on February 14-17-1993.
Program, Women's Conference Activity
Program, women's conference activity for women accompanying their husbands. The program assured attendess that "every day will bring a program of activities to please a variety of feminine tastes."
Program, 25th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference
Program, 25th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference. Final Program, June 12-16, 1988 at the Anaheim Convention Center.
Program, Conference on Automatic Computation
Program, Conference on Automatic Computation, September 7-9, 1950 in Washington, DC.
Program, "40 Years of Achievement, ACM 1947-1987"
Program, "40 Years of Achievement, ACM 1947-1987." Anniversary event held at the Fall Joint Computer Conference in Dallas, TX, October 27, 1987.
Summary report, "The Pilot Model of EDVAC"
Summary report, "The Pilot Model of EDVAC" documenting the First Meeting of the Eastern Association for Computing Machinery at Columbia University, September 15, 1947. Draft of September 22, 1947.
Correspondence, between John von Neumann and Edmund Berkeley
Correspondence, two letters between John von Neumann and Edmund Berkeley regarding interest in the ACM, dated September 15, 1947 and September 23, 1947.
Report of Proposed "Constitution and Bylaws of the Association for Computing Machinery"
Report of proposed "Constitution and Bylaws of the Association for Computing Machinery," Form proposed February 15, 1948.
First Glossary of Programming Terminology, Report to the Association for Computing Machinery
First Glossary of Programming Terminology, Report to the Association for Computing Machinery produced by the Committee on Nomenclature (Grace Murray Hopper, Chairman with C. W. Adams, J. W. Backus, J. W. Carr, III, R. F. Osborn, G. W. Patterson, J.…
Program, "Founder's Dinner Silver Anniversary Evening"
Program, "Founder's Dinner Silver Anniversary Evening" held at the Sheraton Boston Hotel in Boston, MA to honor the founders of the association.
Photograph of Edmund C. Berkeley
Photograph of Edmund C. Berkeley, undated. Berkeley was one of the founders of the ACM and served as the association's first secretary. He did much of the early work in forming and organization the association.
"Notice on Organization of an 'Eastern Association for Computing Machinery'"
The "Notice on Organization of an 'Eastern Association for Computing Machinery'" recounts the formation of the ACM in the early months of 1947.
SIG/SIC Annual Report Form for SIGART
1974 Annual Report from SIGART (Special Interest Group for Artificial Intelligence) for the chairman of ACM's SIG/SIC board. Each SIG filled out similar yearly reports with information about their elected officials, newsletter activity, meeting…
Report, "Why Are SIGs Not Growing?"
Report by Lillian Israel, ACM's Associate Director of Membership Services and Marketing. "Why Are SIGS Not Growing? Stabs, Guesses and Shots in the Dark" was produced circa 1990 and in it Israel suggests six problems facing SIGs along with proposed…
Advertisement for "History of Porgramming Languages" conference
Advertisement for the Association for Computing Machinery's "History of Porgramming Languages" conference sponsored by SIGPLAN and held in Los Angeles, CA.
Brochure for SIGDA, "Propelling Innovation in Design Automation"
Brochure for SIGDA, ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation.
Brochure for SIGGROUP "Where Groupwork Happens"
Brochure for SIGGROUP, the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group for Groupwork.