We Want Your Business

Like any business, nurseries and seed-houses need customers.  Many methods were used to entice people to spend money.  Catalogs were richly illustrated with attractive engravings and beautiful covers; contests were held.  There were bargains galore and unusual items were offered for sale – everything from boats to livestock to porcelain vases.  Testimonials from satisfied customers were sprinkled throughout:  “I am nearly 84 and have raised flowers ever since I was five and have never seen your seeds excelled.”*   Bountiful harvests were suggested, if not promised:  “213 Bushels Grown from One Acre!”  As seen throughout this exhibit, guarantees of quality were also an important draw.

* Testimonial from Mrs. Maria E. Hawkins, Highlands, N.C., placed on the back cover of the Emma V. White Co. 1928 catalog.

Catalogs are essentially one big advertisement for a firm’s wares.  In addition, seed and nursery companies would advertise in newspapers, magazines, and create beautiful seed rack displays in local stores.

We Want Your Business